✉️8k user signups: insights from Hashmail campaign

Hashmail is a unified web3 mailbox for wallet addresses to receive transaction notifications, reminders, and alerts. They were looking to drive more user signups following their recent product launch. Superdao Ads offered Hashmail to run a campaign targeting the most relevant users in the Superdao community.


Superdao Ads team

  • Designed the campaign NFT

  • Prepared distribution lists for 51k users in total

    • Allow List - Superdao has both the user wallet and email from the earlier campaigns

    • Invite List - Superdao only has user email from earlier campaigns

  • Designed an NFT claim page for the Allow List

  • Created an application form for the Invite List and others outside Allow List

  • Prepared email templates and social media announcement

Hashmail team

Selected rewards for NFT holders: free storage of up to 500 Mb, “Hashmail OG” Discord role, and 10 USDC giveaway for 20 randomly selected holders

Campaign flow

Allow List

  1. Receive campaign email from Superdao

  2. Go to Hashmail, start a wallet inbox there, discover and click a special verification link there

  3. Complete the NFT claim on Superdao and enjoy the rewards

All other users

  1. Apply to the campaign via a claim page

  2. Get screened and approved by Superdao

  3. Follow the rest of the process as in Allow List


Core metrics

  • Emails delivered - 51k

  • Waitlist submissions (from the Invite List and social sharing) - 7.1k

  • NFT mints - 2,936 in total, from which

    • Allow List mints - 1,259

    • Invite List mints - 1,677

Additional info

  • Campaign length - 3 weeks (22nd December - 13th January)

  • Campaign timeline

    • First hour mints - 176

    • First day mints - 357

    • First three days mints (after Invite List users received the claim link) - 1,543

    • After December 27, the mints went down to less than 20 per day

    • January 12 mints (after the second round of Invite List users received the claim link) - 712

  • NFT collection on sale on OpenSea - 19 items

    • Highest price - 275 MATIC

Wallet Analysis

  • 90% of the users are early adopters, they have Genesis passes, participate in crypto conferences, and complete crypto ed courses

  • 40% of users are traders/collectors

Hashmail feedback

  • Superdao Ads was responsible for driving ~40% of all Hashmail signups in January

  • Those users acquired through the campaign sent and received over 25k emails in Hashmail in one month

  • Out of 4,536 users who signed up with a wallet, 30% had an ENS name or Lens handle associated with them

  • Hashmail saw an increase from 10k to 15k among Twitter subscribers in the past month


  • Campaign length should be kept up to one week if there is no additional promotion. Numbers of NFT mints tend to go down after the first 3 days.

  • NFT rewards with different levels help gain more users:

    • The main reward given to a limited amount of users at the end of the campaign, e.g. company tokens or physical product

    • General availability rewards, e.g. a special Discord role, access to an exclusive product feature, or a financial reward.

  • Airdrop hunters help promote your project since, ultimately, they would like to sell the NFT at a higher price.

  • Even when social media subscription is not a part of the product activation quest, promotional campaigns still drive more user acquisition in different channels.

Last updated