πŸ•ΉοΈGame of tokens: gaining 168k users with $1k

In light of the recent events with FTX collapse, Superdao created a game where users could imagine themselves as a giant crypto exchange CEO trying to make the right decisions not to fail the company thoroughly. Initially, it was made just for fun, but then we saw huge potential to extend and score our email plus wallet base with the acquisition of newsletter and social media subscribers.


  • Created the content of the game in the form of a test

  • Designed a website and the Survivor NFT

  • Prepared email distribution lists

  • Prepared an email template

Campaign Flow

  1. Receive campaign email from Superdao

  2. Go to the quiz landing page, enter your email, and start playing

  3. Survive the game challenges and get a free Superdao Survivor NFT


Core metrics

  • Emails sent - 52,400

  • Total participants - 267,116

    • Completed - 218,290 (completed the game and received an NFT)

    • Partial - 48,826 (started but did not complete the game, did not receive an NFT)

  • Total money spent ~ $1,000 - (gas fees only, no paid ads)

  • Users acquired (not allocated in Superdao userbase previously) - 168k

Additional info

  • Campaign length - 5 weeks (Dec 23, 2022 – Feb 1, 2023)

  • Campaign timeline

    • First day - 1k completions

    • First three days mints - 68k

  • Social media growth - 6.8k Twitter subscribers


  • Text-based games started to gain a new wave of popularity and can be used as a way to entertain your audience and diversify content

  • Acquiring the first 1k completions is essential for the project to go viral. The β€œShare” button and NFT reward can be helpful in overcoming this barrier.

  • There is a lack of verification on text-based game platforms. Adding reCAPTCHA can cut off bots.

  • Creating a viral campaign with no promotional budget is possible, but you need to consider the gas fee amount. A large email base may also be costly to maintain.

Last updated